Thursday, October 18, 2007

Zeitgeist, The Movie

Zeitgeist is one of the most thought provoking documentaries I've ever seen. Lots of conspiracy theories and ideas on how to go about social and economic change.  I'm sure a lot of people I know will be offended by a lot of the ideas presented.  Watch it with an open mind.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

Where to begin?

I decided that I needed a place where I could gather all of the things that I find great. Or even not so great. Things that I find interesting. A place where I could express my thoughts and a place I could share.  I'm not sure if anyone will read this. Not really sure how to proceed. 

Blogging is new to me. Writing is not. I've written for a couple of magazines. I write for work. I've written hundreds of poems & song ideas.  I've also written thousands of personal journal entries of my ideas, thoughts and personal experiences.  

Now I start this adventure of writing publicly. Putting my words "out there." And it feels scary. I stared at a blank computer screen a long time before I started typing.  Hopefully the words come. 

So welcome to my blog. And thank you for reading.