Friday, May 1, 2009

Darren Brown: Hypnotist, Magician, Illusionist and Mind Reader

Derren Brown is an English hypnotist, magician, illusionist, and mind reader who absolutely blows me away. The best way to describe what he does is with one of his own quotes:

"I mix magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship ... at no point are actors or stooges used in this show."

  • Derren's website:
  • Derren Brown on You Tube

  • The skeptic in me wanted to believe that he uses actors but after watching so much of his work, I think that he is merely a master of his craft. e.g. hypnosis, memory tricks, NLP, illusion etc. If that's the case, his control over people scares me.  Whether he uses actors or not, it's entertaining stuff.