Thursday, October 30, 2008

On Music and Passion

I first found Benjamin Zander on the website. This man's passion inspires me! I've always had a respect for classical music but never really gave it a chance (I'm a rocker / new waver at heart.)

Benjamin Zander has completely ignited a new appreciation for classical music in me... just by watching this 20 minute talk.

I also found out that Benjamin Zander is an instructor for the Landmark Education Forum. I attended "the Forum" years and years ago and that's a subject for a whole other blog post.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My latest addiction.. TED Talks

As an information junkie and a person obsessed with learning, I've struck gold! I'm completely addicted to the Ted talks website:

I've watched videos that have absolutely fascinated me, some have inspired me, I've laughed, cried and some have even made me rethink some of my views. I love the passion that emanates from each speaker.

TED is a free website dedicated to the spreading of ideas. Basically, the website hosts a collection of talks from experts and great thinkers in every field.

Each expert is challenged "to give the talk of their lives" in 18 minutes or less.

The speakers are diverse and range from musicians (Bono, Peter Gabriel) to film writers/directors (J.J Abrams), to physicists (Stephen Hawking) to CEO's (Richard Branson) to marketing experts (Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell) and even former world leaders (Bill Clinton, Al Gore). ...Just to name a few.

Here are a couple of my favourite talks so far:

Why We Do What We Do and How We Can Do It Better (22:30 minutes)

Charming, witty and fascinating talk by Sir Ken Robinson.  Creativity is as important as literacy and our current education system isn't set up to nurture it in our children.  "We are educating people out of their creative capacities."

Do Schools Kill Creativity? (20:03 minutes)

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."  -- Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My photos from the Madonna Show at the
Air Canada Centre - Oct 18, 2008

I was able to capture some pretty good shots at the Madonna show at the Air Canada Centre on Saturday. Thanks to my workplace, Shoppers Drug Mart for the awesome seats!  I thought the show was phenomenal. I can't believe she's 50. Check out her body. She inspired me to get back on the treadmill!

2008 - Madonna @ ACC Toronto - Oct 18

Setlist - Air Canada Centre - October 18, 2008 

Beat Goes On
Human Nature
Video break: Die Another Day

Into The Groove
Heart Beat
She’s Not Me
Video break: Rain/ Here Comes The Rain Again

Devil Wouldn’t
Spanish Lesson
Miles Away
La Isla Bonita/Lela Pala Tute, You Must Love Me
Video break: Get Stupid

4 Minutes
Like A Prayer
Ray Of Light
Hung Up
Give It 2 Me

2008 - Madonna @ ACC Toronto - Oct 18

I just finished reading "Life with My Sister Madonna"  which was written by her brother, Christopher Ciccone.  I couldn't put down for a couple of reasons. I wanted to get the dirt on Madonna and I also wanted to get into her head because I think she's absolutely brilliant. If you're a Madonna fan, I highly recommend it. From the book, you can tell that Christopher is bitter and he's actually a pretty good writer.
2008 - Madonna @ ACC Toronto - Oct 18

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Made Some Vacation Videos

Whenever I come back from a vacation, I like to put together some of the footage I shot to music so I can have something other than pictures to remember it by.  These were taken from our recent cruise vacation.  I made this one using Windows Movie Maker.  It's a free program, pretty basic and it's easy to use.