Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My latest addiction.. TED Talks

As an information junkie and a person obsessed with learning, I've struck gold! I'm completely addicted to the Ted talks website: http://www.ted.com/.

I've watched videos that have absolutely fascinated me, some have inspired me, I've laughed, cried and some have even made me rethink some of my views. I love the passion that emanates from each speaker.

TED is a free website dedicated to the spreading of ideas. Basically, the website hosts a collection of talks from experts and great thinkers in every field.

Each expert is challenged "to give the talk of their lives" in 18 minutes or less.

The speakers are diverse and range from musicians (Bono, Peter Gabriel) to film writers/directors (J.J Abrams), to physicists (Stephen Hawking) to CEO's (Richard Branson) to marketing experts (Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell) and even former world leaders (Bill Clinton, Al Gore). ...Just to name a few.

Here are a couple of my favourite talks so far:

Why We Do What We Do and How We Can Do It Better (22:30 minutes)

Charming, witty and fascinating talk by Sir Ken Robinson.  Creativity is as important as literacy and our current education system isn't set up to nurture it in our children.  "We are educating people out of their creative capacities."

Do Schools Kill Creativity? (20:03 minutes)

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."  -- Pablo Picasso

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